12.19. 온 가족,성탄절 초청 주일
2019-12-19 10:59
온 가족,성탄절 초청 주일
오늘 12월 19일, 하얀 눈이 나립니다. 오는 주일은 온가족들이 함께 성탄절 예배를 드립니다.
흐터쟈살고 있는 자녀들에게 연락 하여 이 즐거운 성탄절을 함께 보내시기 바랍니다.
아래는 자녀들에게 정목사님께서 보내신 그리입니다. 아름답게 초청잔 카드를 고안 하여 주신 김계남 장로님께 감사드립니다.
Invitation to Christmas Sunday All Family Worship Service
1:30 p.m. December 22, 2019
Glory in Heaven, Peace on Earth!
To the families of Alpha Korean United Church, in whose hearts this church holds a special place, we invite all of you to a special “Christmas Sunday All Family Worship Service.” By worshipping with you and celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, we want to praise God who brings peace to us. Let us joy and shout, "Merry Christmas." May God bless you and your family in this wonderful Christmas season.
Rev. Hae‐Bin Jung
Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care
Mr. Jin-Hun Jung
Chair of Church Board
P. S. There will be Christmas Cantata of the choir during the service. and the worship service will be conducted in both English and Korean. As well, there will be a fellowship luncheon following the service.