
2018.5.26. 94차 토론토연회 축하예배

2018-05-27 07:20
지난 5월 25일, 아침부터 제94차 마지막 캐나다 연합 교회 토론토 연회가 230여 지교회(4개 노회- Living Waters, Northern Waters, South West and Toronto Southeast. ) 270대표들 이모여 94년전 처음으로 토론토 연회를 시작 하였을 때 기억하며 오늘 Midland 에 있는 "North Simco Sports and Recreation Centre" 에서 "Strength for today and bright Hope for Tomorrow"라는 제목으로 1박 2일 연회를 마추고 새로 안수를 받는 일곱 목사님들과 우리 교단에 가입한 이건영 목사님 한분과 은퇴하시는 12명중에 김훈 목사님께서 은퇴 하셨습니다. 이목사님들 위하여 감사 하며 축하 예배를 St. Paul's United Church, Midland에서 5월 26일 오후 6시 30분에 축하 예배를 드렸습니다. 오랫동안 총회 총무로 봉사 하여 주셨던 Rev. David Allen께서 설교 하여 주셨습니다. 오늘 행사와 축하 예배를 볼수 있도록 장소를 허락하여 주고, 처음부터 행사 끝까지 봉사하여 준 St. Paul's 교우 70여명 봉사자들에게 감사드립니다.

축하 예배

토론토 연회 회의

An Urgent Call for Peace Accord in the Korean Peninsula

Propsal to General Council- PGC #3를 Northern Waters Presbytery에 있는 St.Johm교회 정성민목사님과 Rev.Fran Ota공동으로 발의 하여 노회에서 통과하여 동의 한것을 약간의 수정으로 총회 본부에 올리게 된것 기쁘게 생각 합니다. 수고 하여 주신 정성민 목사님과 회의를 주관하여 주신 연회장님께 감사드립니다. 이번 토론토 연회에 참석 하신 한국분들은 아래와 같습니다.

김훈,서동천,Jhon Kim,Won Hur, 이영정,이애경,윤영환,조혁,정성민,이건영,Richard Choi 목사님들과 정해빈목사님과 정점수노회 대표가 함께 하였고 Visitor로 정성숙 님이 함께하여 한국 역사에 기록할 뜻 깊은 "An Urgent Call for Peace Accord in the Korean Peninsula " 동의안을 통과하여 총회에 상정하게 됨을 증인 하고, 오래오래 기억 할 것입니다. 감사드립니다.

아래는 토론토 연회에 나온 동의안 "GC 43 Proposal: AN URGENT CALL FOR PEACE ACCORD IN THE KOREAN PENINSULA " 원본입니다.


Origin: St. John’s Pastoral Charge, Northern Waters Presbytery, Toronto Conference

1. What is the issue?

For over half a century, the people of the Korean Peninsula have lived under an Armistice which was
intended to be a temporary solution to the Korean War. Recent events suggest that there is
potential for change in this situation.
 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
 “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one
another.” (Romans 14:19)
We believe God is calling us to:

a) build global partnership to work together to bring permanent peace in the Korean peninsula.
b) publicly support peace talks among the USA, North Korea, South Korea, and China to replace the
armistice of the Korean War with a peace treaty.

2. Why is this issue important?

a) The United Church of Canada has been committed to God’s mission of Justice and Peace in the Korean Peninsula since the late 19th century, sending missionaries and overseas personnel to the

b) At the end of the Second World War in 1945, The United States of America and the Soviet Union divided the Korean Peninsula into North and South, along the 38th Parallel. This division created conflict between the two Koreas. In 1950, war broke out when the North decided to unify the Peninsula. Canada contributed over 26,000 military personnel to the United Nations forces opposing this move. Active fighting ceased with the signing of an Armistice Agreement between North Korea and the United States of America which created a demilitarized zone. This ontinues to the present.

There is no peace. In recent times, the United States of America has heightened the tension with North Korea, increasing its isolation and resulting in an escalation of the nuclear threat to the world. However, events around the 2018 Olympics appear to have improved the relationship between North and South Korea. Because of this, there is an expectation for a summit to occur between North Korea and The United States of America. It is important for the United Church of Canada, at this time, to renew its commitment to God’s mission in Korea by appealing to our government to become involved in the making of a permanent peace agreement in the Korean peninsula.

c) The United Church of Canada is in long-term global partnership with the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK – South Korea) and the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK – South Korea). We have sent Overseas Personnel to South Korea but stopped sending to North Korea after the 1950 Korean War.

d) Through the Pyeong Chang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, the Korean people have demonstrated their desire and eagerness for peaceful unification to the whole world and showed the real obstacles to bringing peace to the peninsula. The peace agreement between two Koreas would definitely release political tension in the peninsula and surrounding area. To demonstrate our commitment to God’s Justice and Peace, it is important that the United Church of Canada demonstrate its support to the Korean people.

3. How might the General Council respond to the issue?

The 43rd General Council is asked to take the following actions:
a) Join other global partners in working for peace, justice, and reunification in the Korean Peninsula.

b) Advocate for the importance of peace talks between North Korea and the United States of America to replace the armistice of the Korean War with a peace treaty.

c) Call on the Canadian government to support a permanent peace treaty between North Korea and the United States of America (South Korea)

d) Appeal to the United Nations to stop the economic sanctions against North Korea for
humanitarian reasons.

e) Send United Church of Canada Overseas Personnel to North Korea to work together with the churches in North Korea in addition to the current work ongoing in South Korea.

f) Develop worship and education resources for peace, justice, and reunification in the Korean peninsula and recognize the Sunday closest to August 15th, Korean Independence Liberation Day, as the “Sunday of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula

4. For the body transmitting this proposal to the General Council:

Are there comments, affirmations, suggestions you would like to make with respect to this
The following motion was made at the April 7, 2018, meeting of Northern Waters
Presbytery held in Tottenham, Ontario.
Motion by Rev. Neil Parker / Rev. Fran Ota that Northern Waters Presbytery concur with
the proposal and forward it to Toronto Conference with the following comments

1. Item d) Concern is expressed that this item may distract from the intent of the
2. Item e) Concern is expressed for the safety of United Church personnel being sent
to North Korea

아직 오늘 약간 교정하여 통과된 동의안 원본은 아직 올리지 못한 것 죄송 합니다.
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